Instructions for authors

Papers should be submitted in the form of a 2-page abstract, on the basis of which the acceptance decision and the type of presentation (oral or poster) will be made. All accepted contributions must correspond to a final full paper that will be published in the conference proceedings.

Abstract instructions (submission from November 4th 2024 to Feb 7th Jan 13th 2025)

Authors are invited to submit abstract papers describing new scientific, methodological or technological results from their work, in line with the symposium themes.

Abstracts submitted will be evaluated on the quality of their scientific content, their position in relation to the state of the art, and the originality of the work presented. Abstracts should not exceed 2 pages in double-column format. Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format directly to the symposium website. Word and latex templates are available below.

Abstracts can be submitted from November 4th 2024. You must be logged in to your SciencesConf account using the link in the top right-hand corner for the "Submit an abstract" tab to appear. If you do not have an account, you must create one.

When submitting, you must indicate 1 scientific theme, 2 maximum, in the drop-down menu. It is in this menu that you can indicate whether you are submitting in a special session.

Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their research work at the Conference through oral or poster presentations.

Instructions for the final paper

Authors whose contribution has been accepted for an oral or poster presentation must submit the full version of their paper no later than 19 May 2025. The final paper should not exceed 6 pages in double column (minimum 4 pages). It should emphasise originality and new scientific, methodological and technological results. The final paper must be submitted in PDF format directly to the symposium website and must follow the templates previously used.

Authors are advised to take into account the comments and possible revisions made by the reviewers of the abstract when preparing this final version of the article.

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